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actor Gary Oldman spotted wearing a Breguet

Actor Gary Oldman spotted wearing Breguet


Description: Replica Breguet Split-seconds, minute repeating pocket watch No 765
Brand: Breguet
List Price: unknown
Market Price (estimated): unknown

Gary Oldman shines in the role of Winston Churchill in the film Darkest Hour, winning the prestigious Best Actor award at the Oscars, Golden Globes and BAFTA ceremonies. This award-winning portrayal cements Oldman's standing in cinematic history. However, there was another star on set that received attention from watch enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Breguet created a replica of Winston Churchill's original pocket watch specifically for the movie. While the craftsmanship was second to none and the watch was cosmetically as accurate as possible, one important detail was not included - the split-seconds, minute repeating grand complication.

The pocket watch was an integral part of Churchill's image and he was often photographed with it in his hand. Due to its historic significance, Breguet was asked to create a replica for the film. Keeping in mind the importance of accuracy, the watchmakers took great care in creating a piece that closely resembles the original.

The watch may not have included all the functions of the original, but it was still an important nod to Churchill's legacy. The pocket watch remains an iconic symbol of his leadership during WWII and his unyielding spirit.

Gary Oldman's award-winning performance and the attention to detail paid in creating the replica pocket watch make Darkest Hour a must-see for film and history buffs alike.

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Ref. unknown List Price: unknown
