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business man Sepp Blatter spotted wearing a Patek Philippe 5110J

Business man Sepp Blatter spotted wearing Patek Philippe


Description: Patek Philippe world time
Ref: 5110J
List Price: £19,000
Market Price (estimated): unknown

The 8th President of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, had an unexpected encounter during a FIFA news conference yesterday. A UK prankster managed to throw money at Blatter while he was speaking on stage. The incident shocked many attendees and caused a stir on social media. However, amidst the chaos, one eagle-eyed observer spotted something interesting – Blatter was wearing a Patek Philippe world time watch, reference 5110J.

For those unfamiliar with the world of luxury watches, Patek Philippe is a revered brand known for its exquisite craftsmanship and high price tags. The world time model that Blatter was sporting has a UK RRP of £19,000. It's a watch that many can only dream of owning, making it all the more surprising to see it on the wrist of a FIFA president.

While some may see the watch as a symbol of excess, it's worth noting that Blatter has long been a fan of luxury timepieces. In a 2014 interview, he spoke fondly of his love for watches, citing them as his only indulgence. And as the head of one of the world's biggest sporting organizations, it's not entirely surprising to see him dressed in expensive attire.

Regardless of how one feels about Blatter or his taste in watches, there's no denying that the incident at the news conference was a bizarre turn of events. But who knows – maybe in the future, people will remember this moment as the time the world saw the expensive watch on Sepp Blatter's wrist.